MSC Aircraft
Schleicher ASK-21
The ASK21 is a German two seat training glider of moderate performance (34/1). It is the longest continuous production fiberglass trainer in the world. The ASK21 is consistently the first choice among flight schools and clubs worldwide.
MSC liked it so much we recently refurbished our 1982 model, N82MN, (above in Blue trim). We are also flying a new ASK-21B, N122MN (above in Red trim) in spring 2023.
More information, here: Alexander Schleicher ASK-21
PZL Bielsko SZD-51
The “Junior” is a single seat fiberglass sailplane designed for club and recreational use. It is an excellent sailplane for the new solo pilot and for developing cross country soaring experience. The controls are light and well coordinated and it can climb with the best of ships.
More information: SZD Allstar szd-51-1
Piper Pawnee PA-25
A very capable 250hp towplane.
Member Owned AIrcraft
At this writing, club members own alone or in partnerships these sailplanes. In no particular order:
Schleicher K6, KA-7, ASW-20, ASW-22, ASW-27 (2), ASW-28, ASG-32Mi
Schemmp-Hirth Discus (2)
Rolladen-Schneider LS-4
DG Flugzeugbau 303 (2) , 800m, 1000
Blanik LET L-33
Schweizer 1-35
PZL-Swidnik PW-5