The newsletters are password protected for privacy.

General Information

MSC uses two external sites, both of which require signup with an email address and password. These are both for MSC members only, and are not public.

1. Club email, file & photo sharing

2. Scheduling

MSC will be using one web site for Student, FOO, Instructor and Tow Pilot daily signups.

Signing up for a day’s operation as a glider pilot is also advised so we know how busy the day will be. This does not replace the daily on-site “Sign up Sheet” for flight priority maintained by the FOO. To use, first register with your email address here:

2024 MSC Operations Guide

June 2024 MSC Roster —- password protected membership list

2024 MSC Brochure — Club structure & fees

2024 MSC Bylaws — Club Organization Membership Handbook

MSC History presentation